RTW: My Greatest Posts
Road Trip Wednesday is a blog carnival hosted by the lovely ladies over at YA Highway. Every Wednesday they present a question, that readers are invited to answer on their own respective blogs.
This week's topic:
Give us a link to the best blog post(s) you've ever written!
I know I am not the best blogger in the world.
I hardly post, but I do have a few good ones up that I am sorta proud of.
If you haven't read them, then I guess now's your chance. :D
I hardly post, but I do have a few good ones up that I am sorta proud of.
If you haven't read them, then I guess now's your chance. :D
This post is one of the recent ones I've done. It was supposed to be really goofy and sarcastic, and basically it's a light rant about the paranormal romance scene in YA. I'm not attacking any books in particular, just the overall genre, and the trends I've been noticing.
Mostly all of my great post, come from Road Trip Wednesday. Really, they come up with the best topics. But anyways, this post is about why and when I started writing.
This post was inspired by Kristin Otts who started a meme where people post a picture of themselves, and talk about beauty means to them, and I really liked that idea, as well as my post, because it came straight from the heart, and I didn't know I felt that way about beauty, and about myself, so take what you may from it.
Ah...this was a very emotional post, namely because I am a victim of being verbally bullied and it just made me feel sick to know that people still belittle others to the point where they commit suicide. I cried while writing that post, so it's not really great, but it meant something to me, and I hope that it meant something to the people that read it.
I seriously had a girl-crush on Lady Gaga, but that is not what this post is about. It's about romance in YA, and how I think it needs a HUGE makeover, because some of the relationships in these YA books are not love...they're lust and infatuation which are completely different from love and romance. But I totally, got the idea from Choco, which goes to show that none of the blogs I write, are my ideas. *ahem*
This title is pretty self-explanatory.
So there you have it.
You get funny (hopefully... I try to be funny, but it never works out for me) and serious all rolled into one blog.
Do you have any particular post that you are proud of?
You get funny (hopefully... I try to be funny, but it never works out for me) and serious all rolled into one blog.
Do you have any particular post that you are proud of?
Maybe you don't post often, but I remember (and liked) all those posts. :)
REPLYahh you have some really good ones :)